Materi mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary serta Taks yang bisa dikerjakan dengan mudah meskipun di rumah. Semoga materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang Guru Abata bagikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi guru dan siswa yang membutuhkan referensi tambahan untuk melaksanakan belajar di rumah.

Energy source derived from Petroleum and gases are non-renewable sources of energy. The energy source has limites availability and will eventually run out. A human needs other energy source or alternative energy to fulfill their needs. The alternative energy sources come from renewable energy sources, for example sun, wind , water, geothermal, ocean waves, and bio.The purpose of alternative energy is reducing fossil energy usage such as petroleum, because to get it takes a long time. Besides that alternative energy also reduces environmental damage. Smoke pollution causes of petroleum spreads into the air and global warming.
Fill in the following questions!1. Mention the examples of alternatif energy!
Answer: Sun, Wind, Water, and Geothermal energy
2. The energy available in nature and can be renewed is .... energy.
Answer: Alternative
3. What is the Alternative energy used for sailboat?
Answer: Wind
4. The Alternative fuels that come from living things is ....
Answer: Bio fuel
5. The Alternative energy that can be used for hydropower is ....
Answer: Water
The alternative energy is energy that can be renewed, available in nature, and not exhausted. The examples are sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy.Sun
Sun is the main energy source on the earth, all energy on the earth comes from the sun.
Wind is an air movement due to air pressure, wind can be used for sailboats and Windmill.
The heavy water is a source of motion energy, which can be used for hydropower plants.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy derived from heat stored under the surface of the earth, the center of the earth is forming from a layer of hot relief.
Sea wave
The wave also produce a lot of energy, this energy can be converted into an electrical energy.
Bio Fuel
Bio fuel is a fuel derived from living things (plants, animals). Examples of the bio fuels derives from plants are sunflower, distance plants, cassava, sweet potato, and sago. Example of the bio fuel comes from animals is animals feces.
Edo: “Udin, do you know about an alternative energy?”Udin: “Yes, i know”
Edo: “What is the alternative energy?”
Udin: “The alternative energy is the energy was available in nature and can Be renewed”
Edo: “What is an example?”
Udin: “The sun, the wind, and the water”
Edo: “How to use it?”
Udin: “The sun can be used to heating the room, wind is used as an energy source on sailboats”
Edo: “The water can be used for wind power”
- Derived: Berasal- Gases: Gas
- Renewable: Diperbarui
- Limites: Batas
- Availability: Ketersediaan
- Eventually: Akhirnya
- Run out: Habis
- Meet: Memenuhi
- Sun: Matahari
- Wind: Angin
- Water: Air
- Geothermal: Panas bumi
- Ocean waves: Gelombang laut
- Bio: Bio
- Purpose: Tujuan
- Petroleum: Minyak bumi
- Requires: Membutuhkan
- Environmental: Lingkungan
- Damage: Kerusakan
- Smoke: Asap
- Remaining: Tersisa
- Combustion: Pembakaran
- Spreads: Penyebaran
- Global warming: Pemanasan Global
- Alternative: Alternatif
- Renewed: Diperbarui
- Exhaused: Habis
- Wind: Angin
- Geothermal energy: Panas bumi
- Movement: Gerakan
- Pressure: Tekanan
- Sailboats: Perahu layar
- Windmill: Kincir angin
- Heavy: Deras
- Motion: Gerak
- Hydropower: Tenaga air
- Derived: Berasal
- Heat: Panas
- Stored: Tersimpan
- Surface: Permukaan
- Formed: Terbentuk
- Layer: Lapisan
- Relief: Relief
- Hot: Panas
- Sea wave: Gelombang air laut
- Lot: Banyak
- Converted: Diubah
- Bio fuel: Bahan bakar bio
- Living things: Makhluk hidup
- Come from: Berasal
- Plants: Tumuhan
- Animals: Hewan
- Sunflower: Bunga matahari
- Distance plants: Tumbuhan jarak
- Cassava: Singkong
- Sweet potato: Ubi jalar
- Sago: Sagu
- Animals: Hewan
- Animal feces: Kotoran hewan
- Nature: Alam
- Sailboats: Perahu layar
- Power: Tenaga
Answer the following questions correctly!1. Mention the examples of energy that cannot be renewed!
Answer: Petroleum and gases
2. Mention the purpose of using the alternative energy!
Answer: Reduce fossil energy use and reduce environmental damage
3. Mention the example of the alternatif energy!
Answer: Sun, Wind, Water, and Geothermal energy
4. What is the Energy available in nature and can be renewed?
Answer: Alternative
5. Mention the examples of the biofuels from plants!
Answer: Sunflower, Distance plants, Cassava, Sweet potato, and Sago
6. Mention the examples of biofuels from plants!
Answer: Animal feces
7. What is the Alternative energy used for sailboat?
Answer: Wind
8. The Alternative fuel comes from living things is ....
Answer: Bio fuel
9. The Alternative energy that can be used for hydropower is ....
Answer: Water
10. “Alternative energy” in indonesian language is ....
Answer: Energi alternative
Demikian yang bisa Guru Abata sampaikan tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan topik Alternative Energy ini. Meskipun sangat sederhana, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi Bapak / Ibu Guru atau siswa / siswi SD/MI Kelas 4 semua. Terimakasih.
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